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Rum Chaser Records Present : Keepin' It Country Magazine!

"A magazine for the fans, by the fans!"

There are several publications out there focusing on Country music and they're all amazing, but one of the things we recognize is that the popularity and success of the genre is not only due to the amazing artists, songwriters, producers and labels that comprise it but also the strong dedication and support of its incredible fans. Our publication brings you information on new artists, the latest Nashville gossip, album reviews, inside tour information and more - but its all written from the fan's perspective! Not only do we write the entire magazine that way, but we ask YOU to write in and give us your opinions on things like CMA nominations, brand new artists/albums, Nashville news and more! In addition to the magazine, on the monthly pages for each issue YOU can submit to us your opinions, reviews and more!

The best part? EVERYONE gets a FREE download of each issue! There is a purchase-fee for prints, to cover the manufacturing costs and shipping, but buying a print is good for a number of reasons; getting artists to sign them for keepsakes, having a printed copy if you've written something that's been included in the magazine, etc. But that's completely up to you and you're under no obligation to do so.

Although to download the magazine every month is COMPLETELY FREE with absolutely NO FINANCIAL OBLIGATION whatsoever, we do work hard and we always appreciate the kindness of donations. (Again 50% of all profits go to the HSUS!) We accept donations on Paypal, and if you choose to donate, feel free to email us and let us know, and we'll email you personally every time we have something new coming out whether it be the magazine, side projects, music, etc.

October, 09 and November, 09 issues are available for download directly on our site, click the links to your left for their homepages and download links :-) However from December's issue moving foreward, we're offering the free download through a mailing list, that way you don't have to come here to get it every month, it will arrive directly in your inbox :-) We will only email you with the download every month and important updates having to do with the magazine or the website. (In other words, we don't spam!)

and ask to be added to our mailing list!